Individualized Tutoring

Individualized Tutoring is available in one hour sessions. The majority of Success 2000 Study Centres’ students attend a regular tutoring session once a week. Some students use more, some students use less depending on their individual needs. Our goal is to have students take ownership over their learning and ask for help when they need it instead of hiding problems from parents, teachers and friends.

During a session our tutors can:

  1. Re-teach remedial concepts that were missed in previous grades.
  2. Keep students on top of their current schoolwork, making sure homework is understood, completed and correct.
  3.  Pre-teach what will come next in the Alberta curriculum.
  4. Introduce study skills and test taking skills to improve organization, in-class skills or test taking skills.
Lifetime Registration Fee $192.50
Individualized Tutoring With Senior Tutors Private session $140.00/hour 2:1 session $70.00/hour
Private Tutoring With Junior Tutors $70.00/hour